Monthly Archives: April 2019

2019 Crab & Clam Derby

Category : Current News

We couldn’t have ordered a more gorgeous day for this years Crab and Clam Derby! The sun graced us with her presence, the town was buzzing with activity from the clam tide, the derby, crab races and crab feed. Our new apparel was on display, our local crab captains stocked the basin with 1000 commercial legal size crab, 10 of which had a special tag making them worth $25-$500. We had two lucky winners this year that caught “money” crab as well as 3 lucky winners of our clam derby with the biggest clams of the day. Raffle winners were chosen every 15 minutes ensuring it was a day FULL of winners. A huge thank you to Merino’s Seafood for supplying our crabbers with free bait and to all the other local businesses that donated our numerous raffle prizes. Our 50/50 Raffle may be been the biggest win of the day with the pot totaling well over $1000. It was wonderful to see all the smiling faces and chat fellow crabbers and clammers. If you missed it this year, be sure to mark you calendar for the 3rd weekend in April for 2020.

WEfish Open House Fundraiser

Category : Current News

WEfish hosted or annual OPEN HOUSE fundraiser Saturday March 2, 2019. We were thrilled to be able to use McCausland Hall at the Westport Maritime Museum and have Aloha Alabama cater our event. We introduced our new officers and board members, learned what we did last year and our plans for the new year. The hall was packed ( when folks hear Aloha Alabama they come running) and we had many amazing door prizes and some awesome raffle items donated by so many of our generous local businesses and supporters. Memberships were renewed, volunteers recruited and funds were raised for us to continue our mission of outreach, education and support of our commercial fishing industry. This was a wonderful opportunity to join other folks for a casual gathering supporting our fishing industry, brainstorm ideas for the future, share stories and enjoy the company of other fishing families and people who love and support our lifestyle. We thank all of those who attended and hope to see you at our next event.