Category Archives: Current News

Meet Tatum Andersen

Category : Current News

Meet Tatum Andersen and her dad, Ron Andersen.
Youngest daughter of a multi-generation fishing family now getting her feet wet in the industry- though not from the bow of a boat, but from her desk at work and with her involvement in WEfish- an organization that supports commercial fishing. Tatum has grown up watching the life of commercial fishing- the hard work of her father, her many uncles an cousins who are active in the industry, and has seen the strength of her mom, in balancing her own career and raising a family. She has witnessed the commitment, success, and pride that come from a hard working family business. Tatum’s parents Ron and Tracy Andersen own and operate the f/v Assurance, a boat that fishes up and down the west coast and supports not only their family, but the families of 3-4 crewmen.
Tatum could tell you first hand of the importance of commercial fishing not only to families like hers, but of the impact the industry has on the communities that line our coast. Commercial fishing businesses support dozens of other service businesses that collectively make a huge impact on the communities in which they reside. Hardware and marine suppliers, fuel providers, electricians, mechanics, fabricators, accountants, banks, shippers, boat builders, restaurants, scientists, and administrators are all apart of this unique community. Tatum works for one of the great local banks that supports commercial fishermen and their interests- Bank of the Pacific. With the support of financial institutions like these, fishermen invest hundreds of thousands of dollars into their businesses through boats, permits, and gear. Such investments then result in billions of dollars added to our state economy.


WDFW Director Jim Unsworth visits Westport, WA

Category : Current News

12670107_1705114949713483_7180838697708227213_nWEfish, Ocean Companies, and several commercial fishing industry leaders from Washington’s coast had the honor to host Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Director Jim Unsworth and staff to Westport Thursday afternoon. It was a privilege to show the director the value commercial fishing brings to our community, our families, and our businesses. The director had the opportunity to tour Englund Marine, D & M Live Crab, and the various Ocean Companies facilities. Thank you Director Unsworth for taking to time to visit our community and hear from our local leaders. We apprciate your continued support for our industry both now and in the future!

Email your thoughts

Category : Current News

Your input is irreplaceable. Show up tomorrow night to meet our new WDFW Director Jim Unsworth. Let him graciously know how important commercial fishing is to you, your family, your community, and our economy.
Can’t make it? email:


Bryce Hongell, our 2015 scholarship winner

Category : Current News


Meet Bryce Hongell, our 2015 Wefish scholarship winner. Bryce is a 2015 Ocosta High School Graduate. He plans to study at Grays Harbor College, transfer to Cal Maritime, and pursue a Master’s Degree in Marine Transportation. He is also getting his 3rd mate credentials as a merchant marine officer. Congratulations Bryce on a job well done!
When WEfish formed, one of the primary interests of everyone involved was providing scholarships to individuals tied to the fishing community. Education is everything- we are so pleased to award Bryce WEfish’s first scholarship as he is the perfect candidate! #WEfish

WEfish hosted local and regional legislators

Category : Current News

Washington, Oregon, and California have all seen significant closures to their Dungeness fisheries this year. Domoic acid, a naturally occurring toxin, has causes state Fish and Wildlife authorities to close fisheries up and down the west coast, ensuring safe crab for both recreational fishers and Commercial fishers alike. Though the toxin levels are naturally decreasing, and both Washington and Oregon have begun their 2016 seasons, the spreads of misinformation has been rampant, resulting in a negative impact to the industry.
With the recent start of the season, WEfish, a non-profit based in Westport, WA that supports the commercial fishing industry, is determined to spread the news that Washginton crab is clean, fresh, and 100% safe.

On Tuesday January 5th, WEfish hosted local and regional legislators to enjoy some of the fresh crab. Local mayors, county commissioners, Representatives and Senators were all in attendance. Sent directly from Ocean Gold, a local processor that at peak season employs hundreds of workers, the crowd was pleased to enjoy the fresh Dungeness crab. The leaders were proud to stand behind their commercial fishing industry- an economic backbone to most coastal Washington communities. Several members of WEfish, decked out in their xtratuf fishing boots, were happy to serve crab cocktails and spread the word about their catch. “The public’s perception of the safety of our seafood is directly related to our ability to put food on the table,” said Adrienne Jones, member of WEfish. Jones is married to a long time crabber Justin Jones, and together the couple recently purchased their own boat and crab operation. Molly Bold, president of WEfish, shared with the legislators, “Our need for your support is vital. Thank you for joining us today- you are not only showing the public that Washington Dungeness crab is safe and better than ever, you are showing your constituents and this industry that you support their way of life.”

When asked his feelings on the safety of the crab, Rep. Brian Blake stated “Undoubtedly! Our regulatory program is one of the finest. This crab is the safest in the world. “

Senator Dean Takko, “If this crab wasn’t safe, it wouldn’t be on the shelves.”

Al Carter, with Ocean Companies, states “Washington State has the most stringent testing in the world, so Washington Dungeness crab is 100% safe to eat. Our communities depend on safe and sustainable fisheries. We applaud the efforts to keep our fishery safe and sustainable. From our pots to your table, fresh as can be. EAT MORE CRAB”

“To hear our local leaders touting the value and importance of our fishing fleet is awesome” says Bold. “It hasn’t always been this way. “ WEfish was formed with the express interest to promote and educate, the public on the value of commercial fishing, and to serve the commercial fishing community. Tuesday’s crab event was one way to accomplish that mission. Maintaining a positive relationship with the public, even in the midst of domoic acid issues, is critical to the industry. Washington’s Seafood Industry is a wonderful story- comprised mostly of small family businesses, harvesters on hundreds of individual boats that employ 3-4 people on average. Together, their catch results in a multi-billion dollar impact to Washington’s economy.
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